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March 2005,
Expert Series: Development Best Practices for Data Connectivity and Database Driven Applications, London, UK.
March 2004, Mathematics and IT - MathFIT and beyond, London, UK.
December 2003,
Spectral Theory Network Conference V
, Cardiff, UK.
April 2003, Cardiff University, School of Computer Science Research Retreat.
June 2003,
Spectral Theory Network Conference IV
, Edinburgh, UK.
December 2002,
Spectral Theory Network Conference III
, Sussex, UK.
July 2002,
EPSRC Gregynog Workshop
"Computation and Analytic Problems in Spectral Theory", Gregynog, UK.
January 2002,
Factorization, Singular Operators and Related Problems
, Madeira, Portugal.
October 2001,
Spectral Theory Network Conference I
, Cardiff, UK.
July 1999,
EPSRC Gregynog Workshop
"Computation and Analytic Problems in Spectral Theory", Gregynog, UK.
May 1998, Student Conference on Applied Mathematics, Rostov State University, Russia.
Last updated: 2025-03-02
Valentin Samko,